Maven TreeDL plugin

Maven TreeDL plugin allows to process TreeDL files from Maven.

By default treedl:translate goal generates code from each of file.tdl files from maven source directory using configuration file from the same directory.

By default treedl:xref goal generates HTML cross-referenced version of each of file.tdl files from maven documentation directory using configuration file from the same directory. All files processed by treedl:translate goal also are subject for generation of HTML cross-referenced version.

Actions applied to TreeDL files are specified by maven.treedl.translate.actions and maven.treedl.xref.actions properties. For each of these actions the plugin automatically sets treedl.action.output.dir property.


treedl:translateTranslates TreeDL file to programming language and generates additional code (visitors, walkers, factories etc) if requested.
treedl:xrefProduces HTML cross-referenced version of TreeDL files to be used as documentation.


maven.treedl.translate.src.dirSource directory to take TreeDL files for translation. The default value is ${maven.src.dir}
maven.treedl.translate.src.maskANT pattern to match TreeDL files in maven.treedl.translate.src.dir. The default value is **/*.tdl
maven.treedl.translate.output.dirOutput directory for generated files. There is no need to specify directories corresponding to Java packages, TreeDL tool is aware of them. The default value is ${}/treedl
maven.treedl.translate.actionsTreeDL actions to apply for each of TreeDL files found in ${maven.treedl.translate.src.dir} by mask ${maven.treedl.translate.src.mask}.
maven.treedl.xref.src.dirAdditional source directory to take TreeDL files for generation of HTML cross-referenced version. The default value is ${}/treedl
maven.treedl.xref.src.maskANT pattern to match TreeDL files in maven.treedl.xref.src.dir. The default value is **/*.tdl
maven.treedl.xref.output.dirRoot output directory for generated files. Files actually are generated in relativeFileName-xref subdirectory where relativeFileName is a name of source file relative to ${maven.treedl.xref.src.dir} directory. The default value is ${}/treedl
maven.treedl.xref.actionsTreeDL actions to apply for each of TreeDL files found in maven.treedl.xref.src.dir by mask maven.treedl.xref.src.mask.


maven-treedl-plugin requires maven-atp-plugin. Other dependencies are specified in plugin project.xml file: antlr, atplib and treedl. They will be downloaded automatically if exist in remote repository. Otherwise they should be downloaded from the corresponding sites manually.