![]() | 2006.03.13. New releases:
2006.02.14. New releases: These are bugfix releases and ANTLR support from 3.6.4 added to 4.0.1. 2006.02.09. New releases:
Some features of atplib-3.x.x (tool & plugins framework) are not included in atplib-4.0.0 yet. They will be added to 4.x.x after redesign. 2005.11.24. New releases: The main new feature of this release is new target language - C#. It is TreeDL 1.x C# generation updated for new TreeDL language features. Is was tested with unreleased C# AST. In general, this is beta release, but now each plugin has its own stability status. Java generation is almost stable (almost - because of operations that are not fully tested yet), Java5 generation is beta, C# generation is alpha. To see a status of all plugins, run:
To see description of
Another nice feature -
i 2005.09.15. New release:
Some bugs fixed in semantic checking and translation of operations. Also options added to control generation of checks for non-optional attributes, not-empty lists and setonce attributes. 2005.09.13. New releases:
This release adds inheritance of operations (see 'Inheritance of
operations' section in language reference). Because it's major new
feature, Also, some entity properties are added for
2005.08.15. Site updated for TreeDL v.2. 2005.08.02. New releases:
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