| DownloadsAll downloads are at the
project site. There are the following packages: -
treedl : TreeDL tool
treedl-<version> -<status> -<date> -standalone.zip
- The main distribution package containing binaries, all required
libraries, documentation and sources.
treedl-<version> -<status> -<date> .jar
- Separate TreeDL tool binaries. Also included in the standalone
TreeDL tool distribution.
treedl-<version> -<status> -<date> -src.zip
- TreeDL tool sources. Also included in the standalone TreeDL tool
atp : Run-time libraries (ATP is attributed
tree processing)
atplib : ATP library for Java is used by
TreeDL tool itself; by default required by Java code generated by
TreeDL tool.
Please note that two versions of atplib available: 3.x.x
required only by TreeDL tool itself, generated Java code compatible
with 3.x.x as well as with latest 4.x.x.
atplibj5 : ATP library for Java 5 is Java 5
wrapper for some atplib interfaces. Requires JDK
1.5 or later.
atplib.net : ATP library for .NET is C#
implementation of atplib . By default required by
C# code generated by TreeDL tool.
maven-treedl-plugin-<version> -<status> -<date> .jar
- The plugin to execute TreeDL tool from Maven; depends on
maven-atp-plugin .
maven-atp-plugin-<version> -<status> -<date> .jar
- Auxiliary plugin required by
maven-treedl-plugin and similar
Colorer scheme (for
Eclipse and FAR file
j5tdl : Java 5 frontend implemented using
ANTLR and TreeDL